Compared to women who did not receive chiropractic care during their pregnancy…

First time moms who received chiropractic care throughout pregnancy averaged 25% shorter labor times.

Mothers who had already given birth and received chiropractic care throughout pregnancy experienced 31% shorter labor times.

Chiropractic care and pregnancy- other than Chiro care and newborns, few things make me happier to talk about. Why? Because it can be an absolute game changer. Personal opinion- Chiropractic Care and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy should be required standard practice for all birthing humans. Another why? Because helping a mom to feel educated, empowered and understood can create such a drastic shift in thinking when it comes to the prenatal and postpartum periods!

A momma’s body is growing and changing so much during the prenatal and postpartum periods and addressing the affects of those changes, educating moms on what changes are completely normal and/or not, what is expected during pregnancy AND postpartum and helping her to help herself sounds a heck of a lot better than just saying, “It’s normal to be in pain during pregnancy- it’s just how it is” or “Every mom I know has that issue, it’s normal.” Not okay. Mommas deserve more than that!

-Prenatal and Postpartum Chiropractic Care-

If you have a specific area of concern, of course we address that, but there’s so much more to it! We also cover what can be done during pregnancy to prep for both the birth and postpartum period. This includes, but by no means is limited to breathing/bracing techniques to help stabilize the core and pelvic floor through movement and decrease strain on the abdominal wall, stretching for chest and shoulders for feeding and carrying postpartum, strengthening for mid back, core and glutes, how to properly move through picking up a newborn to protect your healing body. Adjusting and bodywork are important for decreasing pain, YES, but education, holding space for moms while we walk through concerns, fears and questions can make SUCH a difference in overall care. It’s more than Chiropractic, it’s WHOLE body care.

If you’re curious about how care is different at Balance, here’s a run down of a “typical” visit and concepts that are covered during each phase. This, of course, changes and is individually customized to each momma’s needs, wants and concerns!

What to Expect at Prenatal Visits

Trimesters 1-2

  • Adjusting, bodywork and Webster technique

  • Discussing changes/ explaining how we can modify movement and activity to help support a changing system

  • Exercise modifications and recommendations as needed

    Trimester 3 | Pre-Labor Visit:

  • Last pelvic alignment check

  • Basics on connection breath- breathing to support contraction and relaxation of core/pelvic floor

  • Re-assess ability to connect to core/ pelvic floor with a squat and hinge- INCREDIBLY helpful for postpartum

  • Basics on mid-back care for postpartum

  • List of support groups: lactation consultant, pelvic floor, mental health, etc.

  • Chat briefly about when to reach out for care for kiddo and the necessity for care POSTPARTUM! (see below for why)

  • Adjusting, bodywork and Webster technique

What to Expect at Postpartum Visits

Postpartum Visits: 2-3 weeks and 6 weeks

2-3 weeks:

  • Breathing Patterns- to help with supporting deep core/ pelvic floor and finding stability

  • Discussing movement patterns to help support picking up baby, etc.

  • GENTLE adjusting-

    • typical adjusting/bodywork for mid-back, neck and shoulders to help reduce the stress and tension from holding, carrying and feeding

    • only muscle work, light pelvic blocking and mobility work from the bra-line down until about 4 weeks

  • Education on gentle stretching/ mobilization for areas of discomfort

  • Check in on feeding and if there are any difficulties/ concerns that have not been addressed

6 Weeks Postpartum:

  • Pelvic floor verbal screen and referrals as needed

  • Posture screen/Gait evaluation and treatment

    • typically working on those tense, forward leaning shoulders and compensatory postures from pregnancy and postpartum while the core and pelvic floor heal

  • Diastasis assessment and INDIVIDUALIZED recommendations

  • Lifting/Movement patterns

  • Functional movement eval

  • Back to activity plan

  • Full adjusting if deemed appropriate! YAY

Dr. Dani with new pregnancy patient discussing intake paperwork as new mom holds her belly

Hi there!

My name is Dr. Dani and I’m an In-Home Chiropractor to busy individuals and families within the Denver Metro area. I love working with the pregnancy, postpartum and pediatric populations and strive for quality care through extended appointment times, follow-up recommendations and education so that you can feel both empowered and cared for! I truly just love supporting women!

Questions? Comments? CONTACT ME
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YouTube: Dr. Dani Engle

Check out more information about Dr. Dani and what Balance Chiro and Rehab offers to those in the Denver Metro area (and surrounding areas) HERE.


Oral Ties, Babies and Adjustments- How They All Tie Together


Ensuring Quality Care Why I Don’t Take Insurance