Optimal Pregnancy and Postpartum Wellness: Recommended Chiropractic Care Frequency
Discover the recommended frequency of chiropractic care during pregnancy and postpartum to help support a healthy perinatal experience!
Chiropractic and Infant Milestones: Encouraging Proper Development Through Pediatric Care
Discover how chiropractic care can support and encourage proper milestone development in infants.
Moms Need Chiropractic Care if Baby is Struggling with Breastfeeding or Bottle Feeding
Learn how chiropractic care for Moms can improve breastfeeding and bottle feeding for babies struggling with feeding difficulties.
Regulating Your Nervous System : How Chiropractic Can Influence the Vagus Nerve
Discover how chiropractic care can help regulate your nervous system and positively impact the vagus nerve. Learn more about the benefits of chiropractic for overall well-being.
How Torticollis and Reflux Go Hand in Hand
Discover how torticollis and reflux can impact each other and find effective strategies to address these issues for your child.
Why It’s NOT Just About Tummy Time: The Importance of Side Play, Vertical Play, and Back Play
Discover why side play, vertical play, and back play are just as important as tummy time for overall development and reaching milestones.
Tummy Time Basics
Learn the basics of tummy time for newborns, including when to start, how to make it enjoyable, and what to do if your newborn doesn't like tummy time
Understanding Hypermobility: How it Affects Pregnancy & Postpartum and What You Need to Know
Discover the impact of hypermobility on pregnancy and postpartum and learn effective strategies to manage and support a more comfortable birth and perinatal period.
The Power of Touch: How Infant Massage Promotes Bonding and Development
Learn how massage can encourage bonding with your baby while promoting their growth and development! Read on for the science behind this nurturing practice.
My Adult Tongue Tie Release: Symptoms, Providers, and Results
Learn about Dr. Dani’s adult tongue tie symptoms, find out about tongue tie providers she saw to get ready for her release, and learn about the process and results of the tongue tie release itself!
Beyond the Procedure: How Bodywork Maximizes the Benefits of Tongue Tie Release
Discover the importance of bodywork before and after tongue tie release in Denver. Learn how it enhances frenectomy outcomes and why it's crucial for optimal results.
Tongue Tie and Oral Development Tools
Has your baby had a tongue tie release? Are you looking for at-home activities that can double as some rehab and fun? This blog is all about oral development!
Working Out During Pregnancy- New Research
New research on the health benefits of weightlifting during pregnancy and see how a prenatal chiropractor can help throughout pregnancy!
What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?
Dr. Dani is a Denver Chiropractor specializing in family, pregnancy, postpartum and pediatric chiropractic! Learn about how chiropractic can reduce pain and improve mobility, what chiropractic adjustments are and how they can help you!
Two Car Seat Tips EVERY Parent Should Know!
Dr. Dani, Pediatric Chiropractor in Denver, discusses two car seat basics that every parent should know. These include; an easier way to pick up a car seat and a potentially life saving sticker!
Postpartum Tips
Dr. Dani, a Denver Postpartum Chiropractor, discusses a few tips, tricks and topics that every postpartum mom should know!
The Belly Band Basics Blog
This blog discusses the basics of belly bands such as when to use them, why to use them, how to use them, how NOT to use them and more!
Preconception Basics and Resources
This blog covers a few preconception basics for those with fertility concerns. Dr Dani of Balance Chiro and Rehab works with those trying to get pregnant and looking for other resources during this time.
Do You Have Postpartum Mid Back Pain? Try These!
In this blog, Dr. Dani covers basic stretches for mid back pain in the postpartum period. Carrying and feeding a newborn can be uncomfortable so Dr. Dani demonstrates stretches that allow you to be with your newborn WHILE still taking care of yourself!
The Point Functional Dry Needling
Dr. Dani | Balance Chiro and Rehab offers Functional Dry Needling to families, pregnancy and postpartum patients in the Denver Metro and surrounding areas.