Dr. Dani Treating a Newborn with a Tongue Tie

Tongue Tie, Lip Ties, Cheek (Buccal) Ties

If you’re curious about tongue ties or overwhelmed by all the information and opinions out there… you’re not alone!

Let’s start out with the basics. What is A Tongue Tie?
Everyone has what is called a “frenum or frenulum.” The frenulum is a tissue that connects the tongue, cheeks and lips to the gum. Visually identifying a band in these areas does not mean that you are “tied” and this cannot be diagnosed without a functional assessment. It is only a true tongue “tie” if it restricts range of motion or impairs function.

“I cannot speak more highly of Dr. Dani. We were referred to her by a ton of close friends and professionals when we started looking in to our daughters tongue tie and nursing issues. Dr. Dani even helped us with the flat spot on our daughters head. She is kind, efficient and so incredible at what she does! She has helped so much with the tension in our daughter’s body and has made her such a happier baby. She also prepped us in having her tongue ties done with all the bodywork and releases necessary. We love her and are so thankful for her!”

What are the symptoms of a tongue tie?

If you or your baby has more than a few of the symptoms below, it might be worth getting an evaluation.


  • Speech concerns - now or previously

  • History of any of the symptoms listed on the baby side

  • History of frequent ear infections

  • Jaw gets fatigued with talking

  • Feeding issues- ex. messy eater or picky with textures

  • Breathing issues- ex. difficulty breathing through nose

  • Jaw or sinus issues / surgeries

  • Tonsils or adenoids removed

  • Sleep issues- ex. wake frequently, poor sleep, snoring, sleep apnea

  • Grinding teeth

  • TMJ pain, popping, clicking or “locking”

  • Chronic neck and shoulder tension

  • Recurring discomfort despite conservative care (ex. Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, massage, etc.)


  • Pain or difficulty with feeding

  • Shallow latch

  • Blister on the upper lip

  • Lips don't "flange" (look like a duck) when feeding

  • Clicking noise with feeding

  • More than average spitting up / reflux

  • General fussiness / colic symptoms

  • Difficulty and straining with bowel movements

  • Stinky and/or frequent gas

  • Frequent hiccups now or in utero

  • Family history of oral ties

  • Drool excessively

  • White patches on the tongue

  • Strong gag reflex

  • Prolonged feeding sessions

  • Difficulty holding a pacifier


  • Mastitis or clogged ducts

  • Needing to use a nipple shield

  • PAIN

  • Creased or “lipstick” shaped nipples

Who should I see if I think me or my child has a tongue tie?

If you live in Denver, CO I’d love to be your quarterback of resources and care plan. If not, here are the providers you’ll need on your side:

“Dr. Dani is amazing. She is helping my infant pre and post tongue tie procedure and she has made me feel more at ease about this surgery and managing my infant's pain. Would highly recommend.”

When should I see a Chiropractor if I get a tongue tie release?

Seeing a Chiropractor pre and post-tongue tie release is a GREAT way to ensure you are optimizing your results. We’ve all heard that everything in the body is connected. It may be your tongue that is limited, but that limitation can have an impact on body tension all the way down to your toes! Chiropractic and its supportive techniques such as cranial work, addressing the facial system, muscular imbalances (rehab), dry needling (when age appropriate) and so much more all help to reduce tension and compensations at the level of the mouth, but also utilizes a full body approach. This helps to optimize procedure outcomes AND help you or your little one to feel better and more mobile!

The words before a tongue tie release

2-4 visits pre-tongue tie release, depending on age and severity of symptoms.

The words after a tongue tie release

3-5 days following the tongue tie release when inflammation is at its peak. Follow-up may be necessary.

*We don’t manually adjust (“pops” or “clicks”) until around age 7 (if appropriate).
*For babies, pressure that is used is equivalent to the pressure you would use to test if a tomato is ripe.