Understanding the Fussy Baby: Causes and Solutions for Dysregulation in Newborns
Welcoming a newborn into the world can be an exhilarating experience for parents. However, it is not uncommon for parents to feel overwhelmed when their baby becomes fussy and difficult to soothe. In these moments, understanding the causes of a fussy newborn can be invaluable!
Fussiness has a HOST of causes, but one in particular can be a baby’s nervous system. If we have concerns such as difficulty feeding, colic, tension from in utero, and even birth trauma, a baby can feel uncomfortable in their own little bodies. This can lead to nervous system dysregulation and can impact various aspects of growth and development.
We will explore the causes of overstimulation in newborns and provide practical solutions to help parents alleviate their baby's fussiness. By identifying underlying causes and implementing the right strategies, parents can feel more in control and help to promote their baby's well-being and development.
What does it mean for a baby to be dysregulated?
Sympathetic dominance is more commonly known as “fight or flight.” Fight or flight is a response generated by the nervous system in times of immediate stress or danger. This response is GREAT if there’s an immediate threat, but the problem begins when we sit in this response as a baseline. When our body’s focus is defense and protect, it isn’t going to prioritize growth and healing. THIS is a major inhibitor to not only immediate symptom relief, but also to hitting long term milestones and development. For example, if a baby is struggling to feed, whether it be from a tongue tie or tension that doesn’t allow them to properly recruit the required mechanisms to feed optimally, we are likely going to struggle to teach that baby how to use their mouth properly if they are simply just not in a state to learn. Imagine if you have carpal tunnel and movement of your wrist is limited/uncomfortable. Now, imagine someone REALLY wants you to learn to play piano. Is that a great time to try to learn to play and retain muscle memory required to do so? No, you’d want to calm down the discomfort and the nervous system’s reaction to that discomfort before you would have the ability to process and learn a new skill.
Understanding the causes of newborn dysregulation
Think about the last time you didn’t feel well, you were anxious, or had a headache. Now tell me, where you slightly more likely to react to other stimuli a bit more intensely? When we are in a high sympathetic tone, we are more likely to be difficult to soothe and struggling with bowels as food digestion isn’t a high ranking priority if we’re in a state of stress or danger. If a newborn isn’t:
Feeding well (taking in air while feeding, showing signs of reflux, not feeding efficiently, etc.)
Pooping well (gassy, constantly pumping their legs, constipated- babies should be pooping AT LEAST once a day)
Moving well (can’t turn to both sides equally or there is restriction in free and fluid movement)
…or just look uncomfortable in their little bodies, their nervous system can quickly become overloaded as they experience “chronic” discomfort and stress.
“Trusting somebody with the care of a child is not something to take lightly, and I both trust and greatly appreciate Dr. Dani. We worked with her before and after a lip cheek and tongue tie release for our newborn, and her ability to come to our home made things really easy. She explained what she was doing as she went, and any findings she observed which was helpful for us. She also proactively and effectively communicated with our lactation consultant which made for a great team effort to support our child. I wholeheartedly recommend her to others who may be looking for a pediatric chiropractor.”
Signs and symptoms of a dysregulated newborn
The inability to be consoled is one of the most common signs that a little one is up-regulated and is in sympathetic dominance. Other common signs of sympathetic “overdrive” include, but are certainly not limited to:
Difficulty with bowels- can look like constipation or blowouts
Constantly needing to be held- many parents (lovingly) describe their baby as needy
Not progressing with care as quickly as anticipated- as we mentioned earlier, these little nuggets aren’t currently in a state that allows for change. Our focus becomes calming their nervous system down before we can even get into a mode fit for learning and growth.
Techniques for soothing a dysregulated newborn
First and foremost, our main goal is to find the cause for the dysregulation. Wether it be tension patterns making kiddo uncomfortable, feeding mechanics, reflux, etc., we can’t fix anything long term unless we address the cause. This usually involves a team approach where providers communicate to best help and support you!
The capitalization and bolding really should drive home the importance and ability of chiropractic care to help with newborns with high sympathetic tone!
When you smash your finger… the FIRST thing you do is shake it and then apply a deep pressure by holding onto it tightly, correct? This is because proprioception (your body’s awareness of where it is in space- movement & pressure) innately overrides nociception (pain response) and reduces sympathetic response. Put more simply- deep pressures and motion override pain and help regulate the nervous system.
There are two key ways in why pediatric chiropractors (such as Dr. Dani) can help regulate the nervous system:
A joint isn’t moving optimally- if there’s aberrant motion within a joint, there is a decrease in proprioceptive feedback to the brain and an alarm signal is sent (nociception/perception of pain). If you’ve ever had an irritated rib or woken up with a “kink” in your neck, you know EXACTLY how this feels!
Lack of fluidity in fascial glide-Proprioceptors allow your body to know where it is in space and are within not only in the joints, but also the muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia. Fascia actually has 6x the proprioceptive receptors than muscles- pretty amazing! It is absolutely essential that the fascial system is being addressed in these little ones.
Dr. Dani has taken extensive training in newborn care and helping to regulate the nervous system by assessing for underlying cause as well directly impacting the nervous system itself through gentle care.
There are other professions that also work with babies struggling with nervous system regulation and are incredibly beneficial. It’s important to ask what background and training they have specific to you and your child’s concerns!
Touch is incredibly soothing and this can be acheived by baby wearing, skin on skin contact and even Parent-Infant Massage. Infant massage has been shown to:
help decrease tension
help with nervous system regulation through a gentle pressure and touch
help baby feel more comfortable and move easier
provide a bonding experience
Many parents feel disconnected from their babies when struggling with a newborn that’s ramped up, struggling with feeding and verbally communicating their discomfort on a constant basis. Infant massage provides an opportunity to connect and bond with their little one and has been shown to release those “feel good” hormones for both parent and baby!
A parent’s role in regulating an overstimulated baby
This answer might come as a surprise, but many parents are already doing EVERYTHING they can to help their little one feel better. The answer: focus a bit on YOU. If you’re taking the time to read through this, you are likely already invested in helping your baby feel the best they can. The thing is, it’s nearly impossible to take care of a dysregulated newborn without becoming dysregulated yourself. There is already so much going on for parents postpartum and a baby that’s struggling makes it that much harder. I cannot emphasize mental health enough, but especially during this time so please seek out help from a professional if things feel overwhelming.
That being said, it’s incredibly helpful for both you and baby to work on nervous system regulation on your end too. The same concepts that applied to your tiny tot, apply to you as well. Deep, wide contact pressures (massages, weighted blankets, gentle squeezes around the arms and body, etc.) and movement (a short walk, gentle yoga flow, etc.)
A few other favorites:
Deep breathing with a focus on rib expansion to help that mid back open and move!
Mid back and chest openers - these can even be done with your baby!
Back Massager- this can be great for some and overstimulating for others since it isn't a super wide contact. However, it’s a great way to get some deep pressure without having to do a thing! Quick tip: the spine has the highest density of proprioceptors within the body and the feet come in second so feel free to use this on these areas!
Humming and singing can help calm the nervous system
Nurturing and supporting your newborn through nervous system dysregulation
Please know that there are knowledgeable and caring providers out there that specialize in addressing the underlying cause of nervous system dysregulation and focus on relieving symptoms while other concerns are being addressed. You are NOT alone and there is hope!