Favorite Things

Looking for at-home care products and resources?

Below is a list of Dr. Dani’s favorite tools, books and resources. Looking for something, but don’t see it?
Feel free to reach out for a personalized recommendation!

Tongue Tie | Breathing | Breastfeeding


Tongue Tied Book - Dr. Richard Baxter

Breath - James Nestor

Why We Sleep - Matthew Walker

Jaws - Sandra Kahn & Paul R. Ehrlich

Nobody Ever Told Me That - Diane Bahr

Nasal Breathing

Xlear- Nasal spray adults

Xlear- Nasal spray for children

Nasal Strips - adults


Ninni Pacifier

Use code BALANCE for 10% off!

Oral Development

Starting Solids Info - Lily Nichols

EZPZ- Oral development tools

Use code BALANCE10 for 10% off!

Ninni Pacifier

Oral Motor Toy

Pregnancy | Postpartum


Real Food For Pregnancy- Lilly Nichols

Real Food For Gestational Diabetes- Lily Nichols

The Fourth Trimester- Kimberly Ann Johnson

The First Forty Days - Heng Ou, Amely Greeven, Marisa Belger

General Information

Evidence-Based Birth

Body Support

Serola Sacroiliac Joint Belt

Belly Wedge Pillow

Bed Wedge Pillow
BaoBei - Prenatal | Postpartum Clothing and undergarments


Spinning Babies - Three Balances

Webster Technique

Gut Health

Tiny Health

BALANCECHIRO20 for $20 off

Sleep Health

Coop Pillow

Xlear- Nasal spray adults

Xlear- Nasal spray for children

Nasal Strips - adults

Preconception | Hormone Health

Beyond The Pill - Dr. Jolene Brighten

Period Repair Manual - Lara Briden

The Fifth Vital Sign - Lisa Henrickson- Jack

Taking Charge of Your Fertility - Toni Weschler, MPH

Gut Health

Tiny Health

BALANCECHIRO20 for $20 off

Correct Toes- toe spacers

Injini- toe socks

Foot Massage Balls

Foot Health

Wide Toe Box Shoes



Vivo Barefoot

Whitin- inexpensive version

Ten Little- kid’s

TYR- weightlifting shoe


Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

Personal Favorite Things

Fontana Candles - BCR for 15% off

MadeSafe Certified- essential oils, beeswax & coconut oil

Purity Coffee - BCR20 for 20% off your first order