Constipation, Colic and Gassiness

Struggling with a fussy and uncomfortable baby can be incredibly distressing for parents. If you're dealing with infant constipation, colic, and gas, you know firsthand the challenges of trying to soothe your little one. Fortunately, there is hope and there are professionals that specialize in these exact concerns. Dr. Dani is a Denver based pediatric chiropractor with additional training in the causes behind these concerns as well as how to help manage symptoms and decrease discomfort.

Causes and Symptoms of Infant Constipation

Infant constipation can be caused by various factors, including, but not limited to:

  • an immature digestive system

  • tension within the lower left abdomen (as is common with reflux and/or torticollis) decreasing motility of GI track

  • imbalance within the gut microbiome (seen more with antibiotic usage for Group B Strep during birth and antibiotic use in general for either momma or baby, belly births - without vaginal seeding, etc.). Please not that as a mom, there are only so many things you can control. This is for informative purposes only, NOT to shame situations/decisions!

  • food intolerances

  • switching to/between formulas

  • introduction to solids

Many parents are told that not having a bowel movement for 3+ days (some even say a week) is normal. Imagine, as an adult, not having a bowel movement for 3+ days. Signs a kiddo might be dealing with constipation include:

  • days without a poop

  • straining to have a bowel movement

  • discomfort, arching, and/or crying with bowel movements

  • a distended, bloated belly

Causes and Symptoms of Infant Gas

As an infant chiropractor, the main contributor that Dr. Dani sees to gassiness is less than optimal feeding mechanics. This can be caused by an oral tie (most commonly tongue, lip ties), dysfunction within the strength and coordination of the muscles of feeding, and overall body tension creating less than ideal feeding biomechanics. These inefficiencies contribute to clicking, decreased flanging of the lips, poor seal around breast or bottle, etc. and when baby takes in air, it either has to come up or make it’s way OUT through the GI tract. There are other other causes of gas as well such as an imbalance in the microbiome, difficulty with formula, intolerance to a food in mom’s diet, etc.

Techniques for Relieving Colic in Infants

Colic is characterized by prolonged periods of crying and fussiness in otherwise healthy infants. Many kiddos with colic, gas and/or constipation are feeling the sensation of discomfort in their little bodies for the first time which can leave them feeling a bit overstimulated. Babies communicate their needs through crying and when they don’t feel their best, they are really great at letting parents know. If your little peanut is struggling with colic, try to create opportunities for:

  • skin to skin contact

  • gentle touch and massage

  • full body movements to encourage GI motility

  • bouncing/rocking on an exercise ball while holding baby (this can save your legs)

and finding a provider that specializes in infant bodywork and treatment & management of these concerns.

How to Find Help for a Baby with Constipation, Gas and/or Colic

If your baby seems uncomfortable and you suspect it might be due to constipation, gas and/or colic, the BEST thing you can do is seek out a pediatric chiropractor to:

  • assess underlying causes such as oral dysfunction, body tension, assess for other contributing factors

  • reduce symptoms and discomfort

  • provide you with individualized exercises / massage techniques / positioning recommendations to help decrease discomfort, and other at-home remedies

  • offer personalized recommendations for referrals (when needed) such as an oral motor therapy trained OT/SLP and/or IBCLC, pediatrician, GI specialist, etc.

It’s important to note that not all Chiropractors have additional training pediatrics, so please feel free to ask about additional training and experience when contacting your local chiro!