When should I start tummy time with my newborn?

You can start tummy time with your newborn as early as day one! While this might seem a little wild, hear me out… on you counts! That’s right, gently and cutely plop your little one onto your chest and simply let them lay there. This my friend, is the beginnings of tummy time. As they grow, so can their tummy time skills, but for now just enjoy those snuggles. As always, skin to skin is WONDERFUL as well. The key to ALL tummy time is to ensure that your little one is tolerating this position. If they are crying, another need needs to be attended to. If they cry every time they are placed on their little bellies, it’s time to explore why (more on this later).

How to set up a good tummy time session

We would ideally, like to see baby elevating the head and then (as they grow) bring those little elbows under the shoulders and push through the forearms and hands. The PRESS UP through the arms is what provides that shoulder stability and recruitment/strengthening of some of those abdominal muscles for future milestones. What isn’t as helpful? Using the little baby back muscles to lift up. These kiddos aren’t developing optimal shoulder stability and instead, are arching back and developing those back muscles to be STRONG. These tiny tots may need extra attention down the road to help kick on those core muscles to help balance that asymmetry. Due to this imbalance, these kiddos are commonly the ones that consistently fling themselves backward (especially in seated positions). So, to keep it easy and get those core and shoulder muscles firing, start by keep those shoulders higher than the hips!

Why does my baby is struggling with tummy time?

If you find your baby dislikes tummy time there. is. a. reason. Little ones are innately curious about movement and exploring their environment. “Lazy babies” just indicates that there is a lack of mobility, stability or strength somewhere in their little body so it’s important to get in to see a pediatric chiro (with additional training) or pediatric PT as soon as possible. For symptoms of intolerance, reasons behind concerns and modifications to tummy time, check out the Tummy Time Intolerance page.


How to make tummy time successful

Two words- habit stack. Do tummy time after a diaper change or 10-15 minutes post feed. Just find a time where you can make it automatic and include it in your day to day. Life with a newborn can already seem a bit overwhelming, so make it as easy as possible!

Only play in tummy time for as long as your little one is enjoying it! Work for babies should equal play for babies. So make it enjoyable by smiling or making fun faces for them to mimic. Ever catch yourself making the same faces as the person telling you an animated story? There are actually things called mirror neurons that will cause them to want to “mirror” what you’re doing. Pretty cool! You can also use toys, carry them around in a superman pose, have a sibling run around in front of them, there are SO many options!

Increase time to tolerance. Again, working on milestones is a more adult way of saying that we’re playing our way into milestone development. If your child isn’t feeling tummy time, simply do something else and then come back to it later. We only want to do tummy time to tolerance and sprinkle it throughout the day if needed. Pro tip- tummy time is always easier during the day, nights can be a struggle! We never want to force tummy time and if kiddo NEVER likes tummy time, it’s time to explore why. Infants are innately curious movers and if they don’t like a position, there’s a reason why.

Goals for tummy time

  • Make it fun!

  • Focus on neck extension and pushing up through the shoulders

  • Perform to tolerance

Benefits of tummy time

There are SO many benefits to tummy time, but here are just a few:

  • builds the strength to place weight through the shoulders which is necessary for crawling, rolling, pushing up to sit, etc.

    • shoulder musculature is also important for reaching and grasping at toys

  • promotes the development of the natural curve of the neck

  • enhances strength of the neck and stability of the head on the shoulders which is crucial for quite literally every other future milestone

  • elongates the front of the body and promotes movement of the arms and legs which can be helpful for preventing symptoms such as gassiness

  • provides valuable neurological and visual input when tracking toys, parents, etc. from side to side

  • Gets baby off their back if there’s a concern or history of head flattening

What to do if my baby hates tummy time?

Let me scream this from the roof tops- if your baby dislikes tummy time… there is a reason. I, Dr. Dani, am a pediatric chiropractor in Denver, CO that works with newborns on a daily basis and I can promise you that your infant is not lazy. If they dislike tummy time, they NEED to be evaluated by a pediatric chiro (with additional training) or a pediatric PT to determine WHY they aren’t tolerating tummy time!

NOTE ABOUT TUMMY TIME- tummy time is SUPER important, but so are side play, vertical play, and back play. Balance is key and each position carries it’s own benefits!


Why It’s NOT Just About Tummy Time: The Importance of Side Play, Vertical Play, and Back Play


How Reflux Impacts Gross Motor Milestones